I suppose the timing of this is noteworthy; as recently the “queen of R &R “ Tina Turner passed. Though that is merely coincidental as the upcoming rant has been building for years. Writing about the ongoing playoffs in both hockey and basketball would be more of a box score, seventh game drama has already been highlighted in these logs earlier.
Nope, I need to express my thoughts and views on another subject. It was after game 2 concluded in the Boston Celtics/ Miami Heat series. It was inevitable, it was predictable and in most if not all cases it was insufferable to hear yet again, the “respect” card. Jimmy Butler said no one respected them; no Jim… what most people thought was that the Celtics were favorites, respect wasn’t part of it, just ability. Fast forward to post game 4 when the Celtics decided to put forth an effort on both ends of the floor and won going away but after the game… yup the “respect” card came out. No shocker here, with players like Marcus Smart and Jaylen Brown saying that no one respected them. No boys, we just thought you sucked for the first 3 games and based on that observation, we expected you to lose again.
When did players start this shit??? I feel like I’ve been asleep for years and woke up to this now commonplace mantra of most ( not all ) athletes when facing adversity and remarkably responding with a better effort and with it usually a better result. It has leaked into many professional and at time collegiate sports now where a play is made and the resulting action is a chest pounding and an announcement to the world that he / they have been disrespected.
Now, I grew up respecting my parents, my elders, my teachers and my coaches. I have admired and enjoyed the exploits of many people for accomplishments both in the sporting world and out, I’m confused; When did we start disrespecting anyone???? Most in the media and local bars can doubt someone or some team, usually based on prior play; we can be disappointed, we can even be pissed because they may have broken our hearts as fans, but I never recall speaking with a buddy and saying that I have lost respect for someone; probably because I never had it to start with.
Athletes are sometimes put in “role model” mode especially with younger fans. They look up to them because they are “heroes” to some but respect is a whole other ball game. It’s been this respect thing for a number of years, ”No one gave us respect” shit, respect wasn’t in my thoughts; I just thought you sucked in that game and I didn’t give you a chance in the next but that’s my opinion as a fan of you as a player, not as a person. You may very well be a nice person, a good spouse, a great Dad and for that I admire you for taking the opportunity that was handed to you and making something of it.
It has become the outcry now in salary negotiations, ”I was disrespected” that’s why I took the biggest offer on the market. If they showed me respect, I certainly would have considered staying; as long it was more than the other offer of course. Not sure when all this started. I never heard, Bobby Orr, Wayne Gretzsky, Larry Bird, Magic, Jordan, Joe Montana, Ken Griffey etc… ever speak out over a lack of respect. It’s an epidemic now, the now newly crowned King of Boston; David Ortiz himself used to cry after signing every new extension and that it was all about respect! No player to the best of my knowledge has ever returned their paycheck to an owner and said that he disrespected the organization with his poor play and please take this money back. Good God… can’t you just give a good old fashioned fist pump after making a nice play and not scream about your entire career being disrespected. Can you just win with some class and grace or lose with dignity?
Again, we sometimes admire a player, cheer them on and criticize them when their performance exceeds our expectations or may not have been what we hoped for but never a day has gone by when I questioned my respect or lack of it for a sports personality. So for all the Dads, Moms, Teachers and Coaches out there; you have and will continue to have all the respect in the world from this writer.
To the rest of you entitled, overpaid crybabies; get a grip and face the music when it doesn’t go your way, acknowledge your failure to deliver at times and sure, enjoy the moments when success is achieved, just stop comparing yourself to Mr. Walker in 10th grade History; he had my respect then and he still has it today.